*Family Child Care providers that would like to contract with an Early Head Start program to provide services to eligible children.
*Fiscal contractor to provide monthly reports for Governance, state CDE reporting and Federal reporting along with audit leadership
*Data Base consulting for Child Plus and program implementation, training of staff and data base manuals.
*Mental Health Services for 0-3 populations, staff supervision and monthly case review and case notes, classroom and playgroup observations.
*CDA Coach to meet with Home Visitors, Family Child Care providers and Center Base staff to help them obtain their required CDA's
*Family Child Care Coach to implement Creative Curriculum to fidelity
*Family Child Care consultant to work on state CDE grant and system
*Realtor to help locate site for Early Head Start center in West and South LA
*Architect Firm to help with design of two Early Head Start Center remodels in West and South LA
*EHS consultant to help with 1303 Application and Construction projects
*Parent Trainer for Open Doors Parenting Curriculum